Setting Up Businesses IN MOROCCO, what are the corporate strategies ?
WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON FORMS OF BUSINESS VEHICLES USED IN MOROCCO? WHAT ARE THE MAIN REGISTRATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS? SARL is the most common and easy to incorporate vehicle. The minimum capital requirement is only 10.000 dirhams (around 1.000 dollars), there is no board of directors and only one shareholder can create an SARLAU. SA (“société anonyme”) is the most regulated vehicle. It requires 5 shareholders, 3 board member, a minimum capital of 300.000 dirhams and a statutory auditor. SAS (Société par actions simplifiées) is the last vehicle to be introduced in Morocco. Like the French SAS, it is mainly regulated by its bylaws, which allows for legal engineering. It can be created by one shareholder it is called in this case SASAU and no bord of directors is required. A decree to be published soon should provide for the amount of the capital above which a statutory auditor is required. ARE THERE ANY RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN MOROCCO (INCLUDING AUTHORIZATIONS REQ...